If you believe that young people deserve support as soon as life gets tough and for as long as they need it, supporting Lifespace or one of our programmes will give you the chance to make a difference today.
Supporting a smaller charity gives you the chance to see your gift at work. You can know that every mentoring session where a young person feels that they're not alone, in every workshop where a young person learns how to deal with a big feeling or negative thought and every young person who builds skills and confidence as one of our young leaders, has been possible thanks to your generosity.
From a £15 gift to buy a set of sea creatures and playmat so that a mentor can explore family relationships with a seven year old to £150 gift to support nine weeks free mentoring for a fourteen year old who feels lonely and lost at school, we can offer you lots of ways to see your gift in action.
Where does our money come from? One third comes from the schools where we run mentoring sessions on a regular basis and a small contract that we have with Warwickshire County Council. The other two thirds is from donations, mostly from trusts and foundations, and some from companies, community organisations and generous individuals.
If you'd like to find out how your support could make a difference, please get in touch with Andrea Gardner, our Business Manager, andrea@lifespace.org.uk. Or click on this link to donate