Welcome to Lifespace - Supporting young people's wellbeing

01 Jun 2022
Secondary Schools
We can work with secondary schools in one of two ways. Partner schools "contract us" to deliver an agreed number of mentoring hours each week. Depending on the number of hours they have chosen, we select mentors with the skills and experience to support their students and they visit for 36 weeks of the 39 week term. Agreements range from three hours a week (typically one mentor) to 15 (typically four mentors) although we're open to any level of support that works for a school. Partner schools enjoy discounted rates. Mentoring is co-ordinated by a Lead Mentor so the school has one point of contact.

Pastoral leads in our partner schools describe the extra capacity this offers combined with the skill and commitment of our mentoring teams as "invaluable". Young people tell us that "offloading" to a third party, someone they won't see in the canteen or hallways, makes it easier to talk about the really difficult things. Staff tell us that knowing a young person is getting that one-to-one support helps them too.

The DSL at one of our new partner schools said simply "it works, that's why we're adding an extra day in 2022/23". Read more about Our Impact.

Please contact our CEO, Lisa Carroll, at lisa.carroll@lifespace.org.uk for a no obligation conversation. We're very happy to suggest schools that can act as references. We're proud that recommendations are the reason that all of our new school partner have joined us.

Or we can work with a school on a less structured basis. You can contact us to support individual students and we're very happy to arrange this based on the type of support you would like to offer. You can find out what this could look like by calling 01789 297400 or emailing admin@lifespace.org.uk.

Lifespace - Reduce distress, Build resilience, Achieve more

Lifespace Trust, Tyler House, Tyler Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6TY
Telephone: 01789 297400

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Registered in England & Wales No.6428820

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