Lifespace believes that it is unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and recognises our wider responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, not just the ones that use our services. Safeguarding young people is our first priority and shapes everything that we do.
We are committed to safer recruitment, including Enhanced Disclosure Barring Service checks for all members our team. As part of their training, all staff and volunteers have child protection training and agree to follow our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures.
These can be found by selecting Policies and Forms from the drop down menu.
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Rob Townsend -
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Helen Smith -
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Tracey Reinecke -
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Joanna Broughton -
Overall responsibilty for Safeguarding sits with our CEO, Lisa Carroll -