Lifespace runs programmes in lots of local schools - primary and secondary - maybe even yours. Just ask your teacher or Head of House if they do and whether you can arrange to see a mentor. Bit too scary? You or your parent/carer can Contact Us to find out more.
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See our list of Friends, organisations that other young people have told us were useful.
Looking for someone to talk to about the tough stuff that's going on in your life? Want to find new ways to deal with the things that are getting in the way of the life you want to be living? You're not alone.One of our mentors might be able to help.
We now offer Community Mentoring, for young people aged 11+ from Stratford Youth Hub. If you're 11+ you can access the service with a parental referral. We also have a new self-referral mentoring service for 16+ is now in operation. To check out the Lifespace About Us flyer, designed by young people, and download a Community Mentoring Referral Form click hereFor more information please contact